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<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
<meta name="description" content="Bolognese Puppies for Sale, Bolognese Dogs, Bolognese Puppy, Bolognese Breeder, Bolognese Vancouver Washington, Bolognese Portland Oregon" />
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<a href="background.htm">Bolognese Background </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="games.htm"> Fun & Games </a> <font size 4> | </font>
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<p><FONT FACE="BERLIN SANS FB" SIZE="3" font color="#330066" size="4">
<p><SCRIPT charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822/US/peaofcar-20/8001/079c5eb3-b2a4-475b-bfb9-a730d9a45255"> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT><A HREF="http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fpeaofcar-20%2F8001%2F079c5eb3-b2a4-475b-bfb9-a730d9a45255&Operation=NoScript">Amazon.com Widgets</A></NOSCRIPT>
<IMG SRC="Pictures/UniRembrandt.jpg" WIDTH="166" HEIGHT="208" BORDER="0">
Sacramento Reunion and Rembrandt, both retired.
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<td align="top" valign="top">
<font face="" color="#000000" size="5" />
Looking for homes: one male, one female, both 4-years old. </font><br>
<img src="Pictures/LorelaiDouble.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="" border="0" />
<br>Pictured above, Lorelai who is four years old.
For more info email <script language="JavaScript">
var name = "theclassiccarol";
var domain = "gmail.com";
var subject = "subject= Retired Bolognese (referral from website)"
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '?' + subject + '\">');
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<div align="center"><iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=peaofcar-20&o=1&p=13&l=ur1&category=pets&banner=1EWNPJG0FSETT2VN6TG2&f=ifr" width="468" height="60" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<font face="bookman old style" color="#330066" size="6" />
<div align="left"> The Bolognese </div>
<big><font size="5">T</font></big>
<font face="berlin sans fb" size="3">he Bolognese is a rare Italian breed dog.
It is estimated that there are less than 2,000 Bolognese in the entire United States.
It's history includes the courts of Europe where it was a beloved favorite of royalty.
Originally, the only way to attain a Bolognese was to receive one as a gift.
At some point, the breed fell out of popularity and because they were not wide spread the Bolognese world population dropped to dangerously low levels.</p>
<p>Lovers of this fine Italian dog breed both in Europe and here in the United States have worked diligently to re-establish this exceptional dog.</p>
<p>The F C I (World Canine Organization) has written the world standard for this fine breed.
This standard is upheld by Italy, the native land of the Bolognese, and many fine breeders here in the United States including member breeders of the Bichon Bolognese Association of America.</p>
If you are interested in bringing one of these extraordinary creatures into your home, we will try and put you in touh with a breeder. Currently we have no litters planned.
<script language="JavaScript">
var name = "carold";
var domain = "pacifier.com";
var subject = "subject=Info on Bolognese Puppy i.1"
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '?' + subject + '\">');
document.write('contact us</a>');
// --></script>
<!--Reservations are recommended. Deposits now being accepted</p>// -->
<div align="left">
<font color="#330066" size="5"> Our Bolognese Male </font>
<table border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="left">
<img src="Pictures/RembrandtPoolPose.jpg" width="96" height="81" border="0" />
<font size="5"><big>R</big></font>
<font face="berlin sans fb" size="3">embrant, a proven Bolognese male, was fathered by the Belguim Champion Tabula Rasa Zepos.
(Zepos, the grandfather of our puppies, was born in Belgium and bred by Geraldine Vervoort VanPuyvelde).
Rembrandt brings an extremely amiable disposition to the breed, wears a continuous smile, and is the pet of our children.
Rembrandt has passed his CERF and Patella checks.
<i><font face="times new roman" size="2">
"There was a beautiful male in Holland, YOYO (NL-Ch Yoyo v 't Lierenhof), with a very square confirmation.
The result is in his great grandson, your Rembrandt."
--Johan Hesseltvan Dinter </font></div>
<!-- (Zepos came to SofLife March 2003)-->
<img src="Pictures/ELitter/EdSmiley.jpg" width="167" height="140" alt="" border="0" />
<font face="berlin sans fb" size="3">
<div align="center">
<a href="ChopinLitter.htm">READ </a> story of the arrival of a litter of puppies.
<div align="center"> For information on puppies<br>
<script language="JavaScript">
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var domain = "pacifier.com";
var subject = "subject=Bolognese Puppies Inquiry i.3"
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '?' + subject + '\">');
document.write('<strong><font size="3" font color="#990000">Prelude to Joy Bolognese</font></strong> </a>');
// --></script>
<font face="berlin sans fb" color="#999999" size="2">
<img src="Pictures/BoloFace.jpg" width="155" alt="Bolognese Face" border="0" />
<br>Located in the beautiful
<br>Pacific Northwest in Washington State.
<br>Minutes from the International Airport
<br>at Portland, Oregon (PDX).</b></font></div>
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=peaofcar-20&o=1&p=41&l=ur1&category=apparel&banner=0Z35NQBZ49R6P15AP782&f=ifr" width="88" height="31" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
<meta name="description" content="Bolognese Puppies for Sale, Bolognese Dogs, Bolognese Puppy, Bolognese Breeder, Bolognese Vancouver Washington, Bolognese Portland Oregon" />
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<a href="forsale.htm"> Puppies </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="gallery.htm"> Bolo Gallery </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="background.htm">Bolognese Background </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="games.htm"> Fun & Games </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="stories.htm"> Dog Stories </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="breeders.htm"> Breeders </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="clubs.htm"> Clubs </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="alert.htm"> Buyer Alert </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<font size 4> | </font>
<font face="berlin sans fb" size="3">
<a href="BBAMembership.htm"> BBA Membership Form </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="BBADogRegistration.htm"> Dog Registration </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="BBALitterRegistration.htm"> Litter Registration </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<!--<font size 4> | </font> <a href="links.htm"> Links </a>-->
<a href="standard.htm"> Standard </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="petloss.htm"> Pet Loss </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="application.htm"> Dog Application </a> <font size 4> | </font>
<a href="contact.htm"> Contact Us </a> <font size 4> | </font>
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<p><FONT FACE="BERLIN SANS FB" SIZE="3" font color="#330066" size="4">
<p><SCRIPT charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822/US/peaofcar-20/8001/079c5eb3-b2a4-475b-bfb9-a730d9a45255"> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT><A HREF="http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fpeaofcar-20%2F8001%2F079c5eb3-b2a4-475b-bfb9-a730d9a45255&Operation=NoScript">Amazon.com Widgets</A></NOSCRIPT>
<IMG SRC="Pictures/UniRembrandt.jpg" WIDTH="166" HEIGHT="208" BORDER="0">
Sacramento Reunion and Rembrandt, both retired.
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<td id="descCell">
<table width="650" border="0" cellpadding="25" cellspacing="0" />
<td align="top" valign="top">
<font face="" color="#000000" size="5" />
Looking for homes: one male, one female, both 4-years old. </font><br>
<img src="Pictures/LorelaiDouble.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="" border="0" />
<br>Pictured above, Lorelai who is four years old.
For more info email <script language="JavaScript">
var name = "theclassiccarol";
var domain = "gmail.com";
var subject = "subject= Retired Bolognese (referral from website)"
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '?' + subject + '\">');
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<div align="center"><iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=peaofcar-20&o=1&p=13&l=ur1&category=pets&banner=1EWNPJG0FSETT2VN6TG2&f=ifr" width="468" height="60" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<font face="bookman old style" color="#330066" size="6" />
<div align="left"> The Bolognese </div>
<big><font size="5">T</font></big>
<font face="berlin sans fb" size="3">he Bolognese is a rare Italian breed dog.
It is estimated that there are less than 2,000 Bolognese in the entire United States.
It's history includes the courts of Europe where it was a beloved favorite of royalty.
Originally, the only way to attain a Bolognese was to receive one as a gift.
At some point, the breed fell out of popularity and because they were not wide spread the Bolognese world population dropped to dangerously low levels.</p>
<p>Lovers of this fine Italian dog breed both in Europe and here in the United States have worked diligently to re-establish this exceptional dog.</p>
<p>The F C I (World Canine Organization) has written the world standard for this fine breed.
This standard is upheld by Italy, the native land of the Bolognese, and many fine breeders here in the United States including member breeders of the Bichon Bolognese Association of America.</p>
If you are interested in bringing one of these extraordinary creatures into your home, we will try and put you in touh with a breeder. Currently we have no litters planned.
<script language="JavaScript">
var name = "carold";
var domain = "pacifier.com";
var subject = "subject=Info on Bolognese Puppy i.1"
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '?' + subject + '\">');
document.write('contact us</a>');
// --></script>
<!--Reservations are recommended. Deposits now being accepted</p>// -->
<div align="left">
<font color="#330066" size="5"> Our Bolognese Male </font>
<table border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="left">
<img src="Pictures/RembrandtPoolPose.jpg" width="96" height="81" border="0" />
<font size="5"><big>R</big></font>
<font face="berlin sans fb" size="3">embrant, a proven Bolognese male, was fathered by the Belguim Champion Tabula Rasa Zepos.
(Zepos, the grandfather of our puppies, was born in Belgium and bred by Geraldine Vervoort VanPuyvelde).
Rembrandt brings an extremely amiable disposition to the breed, wears a continuous smile, and is the pet of our children.
Rembrandt has passed his CERF and Patella checks.
<i><font face="times new roman" size="2">
"There was a beautiful male in Holland, YOYO (NL-Ch Yoyo v 't Lierenhof), with a very square confirmation.
The result is in his great grandson, your Rembrandt."
--Johan Hesseltvan Dinter </font></div>
<!-- (Zepos came to SofLife March 2003)-->
<img src="Pictures/ELitter/EdSmiley.jpg" width="167" height="140" alt="" border="0" />
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<a href="ChopinLitter.htm">READ </a> story of the arrival of a litter of puppies.
<div align="center"> For information on puppies<br>
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<br>Located in the beautiful
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<br>Minutes from the International Airport
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